Shielding Europe: DNS4EU's Pan-European Protective DNS Service for 100 Million Users!


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DNS4EU is a European DNS resolver project designed to enhance online privacy and security for EU internet users. Led by Whalebone and consortium members consisting of cybersecurity experts, it aims to protect 100 million users from global and local cyber threats while complying with EU data protection laws. This presentation explores DNS4EU’s architecture, deployment, threat intelligence sharing, and community involvement.

Andronikos Kyriakou

Andronikos is the Technical Consulting Lead at Whalebone, a digital life protection company. In the past four years, he has worked closely with more than two dozen EMEA Telecom Operators to design, implement and launch consumer-focused DNS-based Cybersecurity, and Identity Protection solutions. Prior to joining Whalebone, Andronikos was a member of SCYTALE Group and presented his research on Automated Deployment of Honeypots at BSides Athens 2018.


Tomas Vogel

Tomas Vogel is a security enthusiast with experience from both public and private sector, interested in uncovering the How’s and Why’s of ever evolving cyber threats, but also with legal aspects of security.

Currently working as Threat Intelligence analyst at Whalebone, researching emerging threats and developing systems for detection of malicious domains for protective DNS solution. Before joining Whalebone, Tomas worked as a Security analyst and Incident responder at GovCERT.CZ of National Cyber and Information Security Agency, dealing with incidents at government entities and critical infrastructure systems.